Creative thinking for a more beautiful world

Hi. I'm Beccy.

I'm a researcher, writer and editor whose work sits at the intersection of wellbeing and sustainability. I'm also a Mum, a knitter, a gardener, a dreamer, a proud rabbit owner and a newbie swimmer.

Like my all-time hero, Robin Wall Kimmerer, I believe that "all flourishing is mutual". That's why I'm intent on supporting a diverse range of people and projects which recognise that human wellbeing and environmental flourishing belong together. 

I hope you enjoy what you find here & thanks for visiting!



Open Sans

Noto Sans

Bebas Neue

Great Vibes

Rock Salt





Indie Flower


Roboto Slab


Noto Serif

Open Sans







I do...

Research that makes change possible

A PhD and almost 20 years of working in research means I love to dive deep into topics that I'm passionate about and synthesise what there is to know about them.  Then I get that information out to the people who need it in a format they can digest, so that they can make better decisions.

Writing that speaks to your soul

Writing is how I make sense of the world and my place in it. I write the kinds of things that I like to read:  Things that reassure and things that challenge. Things that make you sit up and pay attention, see life differently and ignite the spark of other possibilities within the grief and chaos of the present.

Editing that helps you find your voice

There's a lot of talk about leadership these days, but my strongest suite has always been as a very good second in command. I love working alongside people who share my values so that I can help them find their voice, develop their ideas and get their wisdom out into the world, whether that's through writing, video or podcasts.

Just some of the lovely people and projects that I work with

North Lancashire FoodFutures

Ref/use Lab

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